Is it just me, or did this summer go by FAST?
One of my favorite summer treats is fresh, sweet corn on the cob. The last time I went grocery shopping, Walmart had a great sale on corn, so I snatched some up. Then, I put in in the fridge and forgot about it.
By the time I got around to making it, the corn had lost some of its summery perfection. Don't get me wrong - it was still beautiful. Just...not quite as beautiful as when I first got it. Some of us get better with age, but unfortunately for this beautiful sweet treat, fresh corn really should be eaten as soon as it's picked.
As I was pondering what to do with these less-than-perfect summer gems, it hit me. There isn't a food on the planet that doesn't benefit from a little butter and cream. And corn is no different! Plus, it was SUPER easy to make, and it turned out GREAT!!
The Cast:
Fresh corn on the cob (I had 5 of them)
Butter (2-3 Tbsp)
Heavy Cream (1/2 cup)
Salt, Pepper, and Sugar to taste
Use a sharp knife to remove the kernels of corn from the cobs. Then, use the back of the knife (or a spoon) to give the naked cobs a good scrape to get all of the sweet, corny, milky goodness left on the cobs. There is a lot of liquid left in there! I cut and scraped directly into a saucepan, then added a little bit of butter (about 3 Tbsp) and the cream. If your corn isn't sweet enough, add a touch of sugar, and season with salt and pepper. Then, just simmer the corny, creamy mixture until it's nice and tender, about 15 minutes.
That's it!
I let mine to a little too long without watching it, and the cream evaporated too much. Some of the kernels got a little brown. But that's ok! It was still delicious! Next time, I won't walk away while it's cooking (I have a bad habit of doing that!) and add a little milk if it starts to evaporate too much.
The ultimate test is the family - if they don't like something, I'll never make it again. What did they think of my creamed corn?
As you can see, they thought it was awful. ;)